Our Doctor

Dr. Nilesh Wasekar

M.D. (Medicine), D.M. (Clinical Hematology), Sr. Consultant Haematology, Haemato-Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant

Meet our esteemed doctor, Dr. Nilesh Wasekar, a highly accomplished Consultant Hematologist, Hemato-Oncologist, and Bone Marrow Transplant Physician. With a dedication to excellence in healthcare, Dr. Wasekar brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our team.

Education & Training:
  • Dr. Wasekar completed his MBBS at S.V.N.I.C.U. Yavatmal, solidifying the foundation of his medical expertise.
  • He further honed his skills during postgraduate training in Internal Medicine at Grant Medical College and Sir J.J. Hospital.
Specialization in Hematology: Dr. Wasekar's passion for hematological care led him to pursue specialized training in Hematology under the guidance of experts at KEM Hospital, Mumbai. He earned his DM (Doctorate in Medicine) degree, marking the beginning of his journey as a specialist in the field.
Wide Spectrum of Expertise: His extensive spectrum of learning and expertise covers diagnostics, procedures, and the management of various hematological disorders, including critical conditions. Dr. Wasekar's knowledge is a vital asset in ensuring comprehensive patient care.
Academic Contributions: Dr. Wasekar's commitment to the medical field extends to academia, where he served as an Assistant Professor, imparting knowledge and mentorship to the next generation of healthcare professionals.
International Experience: Beyond his national contributions, Dr. Wasekar expanded his horizons through a fellowship in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation at the prestigious National University Hospital, Singapore. Under the guidance of Prof. Alloysius Ho and Dr. Lin, he gained valuable insights and expertise.
Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist: As a leading Bone Marrow Transplant Physician, Dr. Wasekar has conducted over 250 successful bone marrow transplants. His expertise is a beacon of hope for patients seeking treatment for complex hematological disorders.
Comprehensive Care in Nashik: Dr. Wasekar now brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to Nashik, where he runs an OPD in a central location. He specializes in treating a wide range of hematological disorders, including Aplastic Anemia, Lymphomas, Acute Leukemia, Plasma Cell Disorders, and many more.
Member of Professional Organizations: Dr. Wasekar is an esteemed member of the Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHBT) and the Mumbai Hematology Group (MHG), further demonstrating his commitment to advancing the field of hematology.